It’s about healing | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #134 transcript

Hi and welcome back to the BEnergyAware Podcast. I'm your host, Bran Katanec.

Let’s keep in touch on Instagram @beenergyaware. Or through our website If you like this podcast, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you so much!

Empowered by being aware of energy in day-to-day-life.

Making empowering decisions and thriving.

Consciously creating.

With the help of meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression.

Being aware of our emotional and mental energy, as well as the energy that surrounds us in our day-to-day life, enables us to make empowering decisions. Using our intuition and trusting ourselves when making those decisions, help us to create a much better life. It's about empowerment and thriving.

And so again, what do I mean when I say - being aware of energy?

For those who are tuning in for the first time - there’s the energy of our thoughts and the energy of our emotions, and there’s also the energy of our environment.

We need to be aware of what energy we bring and what kind of energy surrounds us. And then we need to know how to best deal with both. We also need to know how to use all that to heal ourselves. So that we can function at our optimum and live the best life possible.

And that’s why on this podcast we talk about meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression, all of which deepen our awareness and bring about a profound healing.

Now on to today’s theme.

I know I've talked about this before and the reason why I'm doing it again is that I really feel it's needed.

To make things simple and to get right to the point, here it goes...

All unpleasant events that we come across in our lives are here to help us.

How are they helping us?

They are alerting to those things within ourselves that we need to have a look at and resolve, so that we can have more of the pleasant events show up in our lives, and also so that we heal.

It all comes down to energy.

By releasing old, stuck energies, which could actually be feelings and emotions that have piled up in the past and that we still might be hanging on to, we make space for the new and better things to come and we also to receive more good energy.

Now, knowing all this only helps to a point. There's one other thing missing.

The last piece of the puzzle is totally up to us to do, and now I'm going to say what that is.

It's making time for yourself to be just by yourself and to - observe yourself.

So what do you need to observe?

You need to observe how you are feeling throughout the day.

What awareness do you need to have while observing?

You need to be aware that your feelings and emotions carry a certain energy, energy that you can release simply by acknowledging these emotions and then consciously letting them go.

And how does this help you? What exactly does it do for you?

Let's say that it's fear we're talking about. From your past experiences that caused you fear, you have accumulated a lot of fear over the years and now you have this big, heavy bag full of fear which you carry around with you everywhere you go.

So by acknowledging this fear, and by feeling it and releasing it, you open that bag and let some of if out each time you do this. And the big, heavy bag of fear becomes more empty and lighter with time.

And when it becomes light enough and empty enough, it won't be weighing on you anymore and you won't be feeling paralyzed.

Let me know if you have any questions. Message me on Instagram @beenergyaware or leave a comment. You can also get in touch through my website And leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is always so much appreciated, as well as sharing this podcast with your friends.

And if you want to learn more about energy and how to use this knowledge to heal yourself, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or sign up for my Mentorship.

Until next time, take good care.

BlogBran Katanec