Your biggest asset | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #150 transcript

Hi, and welcome back to the BEnergyAware Podcast. I'm your host, Bran Katanec.

Let’s keep in touch on Instagram @beenergyaware. Or through our website If you like this podcast, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you so much!

Empowered by being aware of energy in day-to-day-life.

Making empowering decisions and thriving.

Consciously creating.

With the help of meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression.

Being aware of our emotional and mental energy, as well as the energy that surrounds us in our day-to-day life, enables us to make empowering decisions. Using our intuition and trusting ourselves when making those decisions, help us to create a much better life. It's about empowerment and thriving.

And so again, what do I mean when I say - being aware of energy?

For those who are tuning in for the first time - there’s the energy of our thoughts and the energy of our emotions, and there’s also the energy of our environment.

We need to be aware of what energy we bring and what kind of energy surrounds us. And then we need to know how to best deal with both. We also need to know how to use all that to heal ourselves. So that we can function at our optimum and live the best life possible.

And that’s why on this podcast we talk about meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression, all of which deepen our awareness and bring about a profound healing.

Now on to today’s theme.

What do you think your biggest asset is?

Maybe you've guessed it.

It's that something which everyone has and can use when making decisions, or when looking for answers. That inner compass that always tells us in which direction to go.

Yes I've talked about intuition before, so today is just another reminder. And it's an important one.

Making decisions while paying attention to our intuition is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

The challenge that remains is acting on it and following through.


Because most people out there right now in 2024, are doing the opposite.

And it's not that they're trying to persuade us to do the same as them, it's mostly that they're not setting a good example.

If you take the time to look closely at their lives, you will notice that they are suffering quite a bit, as a result of their poor decision making.

But the focus here is not on them, it's on you. If you do not want to suffer, if you want to thrive, then you will be paying attention to your intuition and making decisions from that place.

And after the decisions have been made, you will then take action accordingly and follow through.

So do yourself a favour and give yourself a chance to experience the good side of life, by using your intuition pretty much all the time.

Sometimes it is hard to do what's best for ourselves, but it pays off in the end.

Anyway, hope this reminder helps.

Let me know your thoughts. Message me on Instagram @beenergyaware, or leave a comment. You can also get in touch through our website And leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is always so much appreciated, as well as sharing this podcast with your friends.

And if you need help trusting your intuition, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or sign up for my Mentorship.

Until next time remember to follow through with what your intuition is saying to you, and I will talk to you again in a couple of weeks.

BlogBran Katanec