Why you shouldn’t seek approval | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #128 transcript

Hi and welcome to the BEnergyAware Podcast. I'm your host, Bran Katanec.

Let’s keep in touch on Instagram @beenergyaware. Or through our website benergyaware.com. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you so much!

Empowered by being aware of energy in day-to-day-life.

Making empowering decisions and thriving.

Consciously creating.

With the help of meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression.

Being aware of our emotional and mental energy, as well as the energy that surrounds us in our day-to-day life, enables us to make empowering decisions. Using our intuition and trusting ourselves when making those decisions, help us to create a much better life. It's about empowerment and thriving.

And so again, what do I mean when I say - being aware of energy?

For those who are tuning in for the first time - there’s the energy of our thoughts and the energy of our emotions, and there’s also the energy of our environment.

We need to be aware of what energy we bring and what kind of energy surrounds us. And then we need to know how to best deal with both. We also need to know how to use all that to heal ourselves. Why? So that we can function at our optimum and live the best life possible.

And that’s why on this podcast we talk about meditation, self-healing, creativity and expression, all of which deepen our awareness and bring about a profound healing.

Now on to today’s theme – seeking approval, that is – not seeking approval.

We’ve all grown up with authority figures all around us.

When someone is above you, especially when it’s someone you love, admire or appreciate, or even someone you fear, you tend to learn to need their approval for things.

And then later in life it can transpose itself to the relationships you have with other people, and can be reflected in other ways too.

So some of us are still actively and consciously seeking approval when it comes to quite a few things in our life. And for some of us this is an unconscious thing that we’re still doing.

And many times we might not be seeking it, but actually needing it. It can be at those times when we need to make a decisions around something and we somehow lack the decisiveness. We are uncertain and unsure because it’s as if we need the approval of a certain authority figure to make that decision and do that thing, whatever that thing may be.

What we need to say to ourselves is that, first of all, we have the right to make our own decisions and we are the only ones that need to approve of them. We are the ones who give ourselves the permission to do just bout anything.

And yes I understand there can be tricky situations where we do need to ask for permission, when it comes to things that directly concern other people, of course. That can be for example in our work environment. And yes, it is good to be considerate to our friends, coworkers and people that are close to us.

But really when it comes to our own life and the decisions we need to make for ourselves, there is really no none above us to answer to or to get approval from, and sometimes we can forget that.

Sometimes we get caught in a memory from the past and for a moment we become that child who needed someone’s approval for something.

We have the right and the responsibility of making our own decisions. We are the ones to give ourselves permission and approval, when needed.

Let me know what you think about seeking approval. Message me on Instagram @beenergyaware or leave a comment. You can also get in touch through my website benergyaware.com. And leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is always so much appreciated, as well as sharing this podcast with your friends.

And if you need help with making your own decisions, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or sign up for my Mentorship.

Until next time, take good care.

BlogBran Katanec