Remember to be kind | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #121 transcript

There’s much to say about kindness. We certainly need more of it, these days.

No matter what is going on for us, we need to do our best to treat others with kindness, and if we can’t then we need to have a good look and realize where and how we are not being kind to ourselves.

Yes it comes down to self love and to nurturing ourselves both internally and externally. Any signs of harshness need to be eradicated and replaced with gentleness and thoughtful consideration.

How we treat ourselves is how we will treat others.

Self judgement and comparing ourselves to others need to be replaced with thoughts of encouragement and acts of celebrating ourselves and others. We need to celebrate ourselves every single day.

When it comes down to energy, let’s think for a moment about what kindness feels like.

What did it feel like the last time when someone treated you with kindness, and how did you feel the last time you treated yourself kindly or showed kindness to someone you knew, or to someone that you interacted with?

Let’s remember what that felt like and bring the energy of kindness into everything we do. Let’s let it flow through us and show up in our thoughts as well as our actions.

Can we always be kind? Well, maybe we can.

We can treat ourselves kindly even when we need to stand our ground and do what’s right, even if it seems unkind or harsh to others at the time, but we do it with good intentions. It’s those times when we are being treated unkindly and so we need to stand up for ourselves and set a boundary.

That can make others very angry, especially if they are used to taking advantage of us and taking our energy away.

In those situations we shouldn’t feel bad for taking care of ourselves. It’s important to set a good example and do what’s best for us.

I encourage you to look for any signs of treating yourself unkindly. It can be on the inside or on the outside.

Kind thoughts, kind actions. The thinking and the doing that is kind to us and that nourishes us.

Let me know if you’re managing to have more kindness in your life every day. Message me on Instagram @beenergyaware or leave a comment. You can also get in touch through my website And leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is always so much appreciated, as well as sharing this podcast with your friends.

And if you want to learn more about energy and how to apply that knowledge to improve your life, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or sign up for my mentorship.

Take good care and I will talk to you next time.

BlogBran Katanec