How to work with energy | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #123 transcript

Maybe you’ve heard the term – working with energy. So what does it mean?

If you meditate then you probably already know what it means. And for anyone who’s new to this, let me explain.

One thing is to recognize what energy our emotions and thoughts carry, and another thing is to consciously change that energy.

In my audiobook Get Empowered, written and read by me, I guide you step by step through how to do this.

What I’ll say here is that the most important thing is - intention. Please listen closely because most people right now in 2023 still do not understand that it’s really that simple. It seems too easy to be true.

So here it goes: Intention is used as a tool to change our energy. It’s like operating a device and pressing the ON button. For example when you consciously set the intention to change the energy of your thoughts, you are in fact pressing the ON switch and the device will do what you tell it to do.

The biggest thing about it is that - we need to remember to do it not only when we need to, but also regularly - as a part of our daily energetic maintenance.

And so how does it benefit us?

As we all know, we can get overwhelmed with emotion and tend to sometimes overthink things and our mind can get clouded. By doing the daily energetic maintenance, our mind becomes clear and the unpleasant emotions get lifted and we feel much lighter, and it becomes easier for us to keep steady, especially in the face of challenges.

So the short answer to the question “How do we work with energy?” is, by using - intention.

There is much more to learn here, of course, but this is a good start and the main tool. Try it out if you haven’t already and let me know how it went.

Message me on Instagram @beenergyaware or leave a comment. You can also get in touch through my website And leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is always so much appreciated, as well as sharing this podcast with your friends.

And if you need help learning more about how to work with energy, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or sign up for my Mentorship.

Take care and I’ll talk to you next time.

BlogBran Katanec