Not being judgemental will get you far | BEnergyAware Podcast episode #118 transcript

Everyone has heard that it’s not good to be judgemental. I mean, what do we get out of it? It’s really that we get almost nothing at all, and in fact, it actually pulls us down.

Judging someone for whatever reason, brings not so good energy - energy that keeps us stuck. And it also tells us what we need to heal. Usually when we’re judging someone it’s because we haven’t healed a certain part of ourselves.

Making a decision to stop judging others is definitely a good thing to. And also to notice and observe when we start to be judgemental and ask ourselves why. This way we open up space for the healing to take place.

And so what do we get by not being judgemental? We get a lot! Apart from helping ourselves heal, we are also helping others to be their best self.

People can always feel our negative projections on themselves. If we’re not judging, we’re actually being supportive and project good energy onto them, and we also bring good energy into the situation. It’s better for everyone. And people also get to enjoy our company much more.

When we’re judging, it also means that we don’t appreciate ourselves or a certain part of ourselves. Meaning, that we are not being grateful at the same time.

Once we shift to appreciating instead of judging, we get a lot more things to be grateful for, and we celebrate, support and encourage others, which brings more good energy and more good things to our life.

So in a nutshell - let’s keep away from judging both others and ourselves, and put kindness, support, appreciation and encouragement, first. That way it’s easier to achieve things and enjoy our life.

Do you agree with me?

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And if you’re seeking healing, fulfillment, and a life with lots of good energy, then get my audiobook Get Empowered, or get in touch with me through my website, to sign up for my Mentorship.

Take good care and I will talk to you soon.

BlogBran Katanec